Taming Tech: Tip #5


One of the big obstacles to sufficient sleep for adults, teens, and children is our late-night screen habits. Screen time is disrupting sleep time.

Some experts have recommended setting a bedtime for your devices. Those times range from half an hour to 2 hours before bedtime so that your melatonin production can be in full effect while you’re winding down for bed.

The natural production of melatonin in your body is suppressed by the light emitting from your screens, especially blue light.

Screen time late at night can also agitate your nervous system and cause your mind to be restless even though your physical body is tired.

A simple, but super helpful tip is to make sure your electronic devices are put to bed at least an hour before your bedtime. This gives your mind an opportunity to wind down and start making the transition for sleep time.

Give it a try and maybe you will find it helpful. I have another blogpost that goes into more detail here.