Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Email Share on Whatsapp One of the most notable escape stories during World War II took place at the German POW camp, Stalag Luft III and was memorialized in the...
Media Saturation Threshold Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Email Share on Whatsapp Is there a media saturation threshold? The animated film “WALL-E” anticipates a future where people are continuously fixed on a screen and some are...
A Titanic Lesson Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Email Share on Whatsapp On the Titanic’s maiden voyage in 1912 she had some of the latest and most powerful communication technology, the wireless telegraph. This new technology not only...
Becoming Desensitized Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Email Share on Whatsapp Imagine for a moment that you woke up one morning and you noticed that your fingers felt numb. At first you don’t think much about it, “maybe I...
Ten years ago this month the ministry of Media Talk 101 became an official nonprofit organization. I was also writing a book at the time and preparing a seminar, which both got a humble launch at a small church in downtown Chicago. I was glad to be assisted by Rhett...
Dear Phillip, Thanks for the newsletter. One thing I’ve been learning recently in regards to media is that one danger that often goes unnoticed is simply “godless thinking.” I can watch a show, commercial, or movie with blatant sin in it and...